Julian Cinderbach

4 Sep

As the Autumn approaches, a new little chappy has joined the ranks of my monsters.

Julian CinderbachAll set for the season, Julian is very much looking forward to days spent making Guy’s, kicking through leaves, and munching on toffee apples, so much so that he has been in his hat and coat since early June in preparation. The upshot being that he has gotten to be a little bit whiffy so the other monsters are giving him a wide berth. There are rumours that Julian’s rosy cheeks are the result of his penchant for cider, if you ask me it’s only a matter of time before his nose turns a similar hue. I’m sure I saw him stashing a few cans of Strongbow under his bobble-hat the other day and it wouldn’t surprise me if he had a few more tucked in the waistband of his jeans.

Julian CinderbachJulian is looking for a new home – visit my Etsy shop to adopt him as your own.

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